The Core Color Plan

The Core Color Plan is a design tool for harnessing the power of color in your environment. It is the culmination of decades of experience working hands-on with clients and applying research in the field of color and human response.

Through a series of fun and intuitive questions, you will discover:

  • What colors (and color combinations) bring out the best in you.

  • How to incorporate color effectively into your environment.

  • What colors best express your project and reflect your purpose and priorities.



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Discover how to implement beneficial, innovative design-thinking techniques when selecting colors for interior design. Explore the dynamic world of color preferences and integrate your findings into your interior décor for emotionally and energetically supportive color designs. Interior design projects and drawings illustrate the archetypes of color, along with in-depth details on the color wheel, color harmony, and its psychology.

Create your color signature with the Core Color Plan questionnaires as you choose your color preferences from twenty-seven foundational colors. The archetypes are derivations of the spectral tones of light and neutrals. Address your home and office design preferences with the second questionnaire and forty-five additional shades.

The last ten years of brain science and cognitive neuroscience show us that our environment's perceptual impact is more significant than most ever imagined. Realize the colors that holistically support and work best for you.

With the Core Color Plan, develop a color signature representing yourself, your brand, project, or product. Use color psychology to establish and enhance identity and market distinction with creativity and integrity. Bold, colorful word cloud formations illustrate the prominent color families: hues, tints, shades, and neutrals and their diverse psychological characteristics.

This easy-to-use format for selecting colors helps you create beneficial, innovative color solutions for interior decor, personal and product brand development, marketing, website design, and art. Imagine the possibilities.

EVOCATIVE COLORS is an envisioning technology to understand human behaviors, creativity, and emotionally fulfilling aspects. It seeks to bring will and personal capacity into harmony for the unity of the personality and fulfillment of purpose. Discover natural harmonic and magnetic frequencies that can support and unify and encourage potential. 

Become a value creator and sustainable layperson designer, accountable for your dreams and visions. In integrating the findings, combine parts in the self and heal divisions. In favorable circumstances, everyone must be able to develop the possibilities.